As Anna asked in Frozen (and as every parent is asked at least once each winter), "Do you want to build a snowman?" After a big snowstorm, kids and adults like might be tempted to partake in popular winter activities like snowball fights, creating snow angels, and — of course — building a snowman. But if you've ever tried, then you know making people out of snow is easier said than done. To help you out, Woman's Day spoke to Bob Eckstein, the world’s leading snowman expert and the author of The Illustrated History of the Snowman, as well as Dr. Jordy Hendrikx, a snow scientist at Montana State University, to ask for easy tips on how to build a snowman that you'll be proud of this winter season.

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Step 1: Wait for the right type of snow, and find a flat spot.

According to Eckstein, the first step to building an Instagram-worthy snowman is to make sure the snowfall is "pliable and workable — not too dry that it doesn’t stick, or too frozen solid." In other words, you want snow that's easily packable — if it's too fluffy, or it'll fall apart. Once you've determined you have the right kind of snow and you're all bundled up in your snow gear, it's time to find a flat surface to construct your masterpiece — in a shady spot on your lawn is ideal.

how to build a snowman steps
evgenyatamanenko//Getty Images

Step 2: Start rolling the bottom section of your snowman.

The classic snowman is composed of three spherical sections, stacked vertically. "You typically want to start with the largest one at the bottom, and flatten the top and bottom [of the section] a little so it sits more robustly, and adjoins on the next snowball on top," says Dr. Hendrikx. "I have heard people say that the perfect ratio is 3:2:1 — but I think that, while this might be true, you just want to make sure that the bottom one is larger than the middle one, and that one is larger than the top one."

family making snowman outdoors rolling base
mrs//Getty Images

To make your bottom section, form a snowball and start rolling it across the ground, accumulating snow and packing it tightly as you go. Remember to roll in different directions, because if you push your snowball in just one direction, then you might end up with more of a jellyroll shape than a globe. When you're satisfied with the size of your base, pack extra snow around it to keep it in place.

Step 3: Create the middle section.

Start with a new snowball to create your torso, making it slightly smaller than your base (and not so big that you can't lift it onto your base once it's complete — about two feet is good!). Lift it on top of the bottom section, and center it.

boy building a snowman base
Peter Lourenco//Getty Images

Step 4: Roll a smaller section for the head.

Scoop up one final snowball to create the head, which should be smaller than the torso — aim for it to be about a foot wide (you may want to create it in your hands, instead of rolling it). Place it on top of the snowman's body. Finally, scoop up a bit of extra snow and pack it around each section to finish it off.

family building snowman together create the head
Westend61//Getty Images

Ultimately, don't worry about how big your snowman is. "The way to assure that everything goes well for all ages of kids is to make it clear that all sizes of snowmen are good," Eckstein suggests. "Making a two-foot high snowman is just as good as the world’s records. By using this tactic everyone can make their own or help in every aspect."

Step 5: Gather materials and decorate your snowman.

Colovis Snowman Decorating Kit
Snowman Decorating Kit
Colovis Snowman Decorating Kit
$20 at Amazon

After your snowman is constructed, then it's time for the fun part: decorating. Start by gathering your snowman-decorating supplies — for this part, Eckstein suggests tapping into your creativity, because a simple "carrot and [piece of] coal does not a snowman make." As he explains, "buckets, cookie cutters, balls, and anything found in the garage that’s not valuable" can all make great accessories for your snowman or snow-woman.

Once you have your supplies gathered, you'll want to create a nose, eyes, mouth, and arms for your snowman. A traditional snowman has a raw carrot for a nose, buttons for eyes, a row of pebbles for a mouth, sticks for arms, and is topped off with a corncob pipe, a hat, and a scarf (you can even shop for everything in one go, with a snowman-decorating kit from Amazon). But remember: There's no wrong way to decorate a snowman. As Eckstein points out, "Snowman-making is the first and probably the last time we will ever make a full-size portrait, and one of the few times in one’s life someone is not telling you how to do something... so just go out and have fun."

Now get out there and make a snowman that'll even make Frosty proud! If you need some more visual inspiration, check out the step-by-step video guide to making a snowman below.

WATCH: How to Build a Snowman

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How To Build A Snowman
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