You've tried scooping it, mashing it, slicing it, dicing it, and you've probably even eaten one whole, so now, fellow avocado lovers, it's time for a new challenge — shaving it.

Just like shaved parmesan cheese for your pasta, or coconut shavings for a delicious dessert, shaved avocado takes your favorite foods to a whole new level. 

Seen on the gorgeous food blog Food Deco, shaved avocado is the perfect topping for sweet potatoes, bagels, pizza, toast, and open face sandwiches:

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And you can easily make this pretty food topping at home. All you need is a slightly under-ripe avocado and a Y-shaped peeler to cut the slices, says The Look. This super easy trick is perfect for impressing guests and stepping up your Instagram game.

From: Redbook