On "The Biggest Loser," we see contestants lose massive amounts of weight and transform their lives. But it turns out it's way tougher to keep the weight off once the cameras stop rolling. Now, a creator of the original show is starting a spinoff series that will focus on helping contestants lose the weight all over again.

People reports that J.D. Roth is starting a new show based on his book, The Big Fat Truth. For its premiere episode, "The Big Fat Truth" will feature six former "Biggest Loser" contestants who work with Roth for 90 days. The contestants had lost a total of 630 pounds on "The Biggest Loser," but in the years since they have gained it back — and then some.

"They started 'The Biggest Loser' unfit, unhealthy and unhappy. Then, they finished 'The Biggest Loser' hopeful, skinny, fit and ready to take on the world," Roth says on the show. "But somewhere along the way, their old habits crept back in. And unfortunately, so did the pounds."

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After the former "Biggest Loser" contestants go through the program, the show will then focus on regular people like teachers and nurses.

"'The Big Fat Truth' focuses on revitalizing our participants' diets and mindsets, and within the first 10 days alone not only did we see considerable weight loss, but also significant decreases in insulin levels and bad cholesterol, among other positive changes," Roth said.

But it's unclear what will happen after this second show stops filming. A study published last May found that "Biggest Loser" contestants had shockingly slow metabolisms thanks to their dramatic weight loss. It turns out that the body can fight its way back to a higher weight by making it harder to burn calories. So, unfortunately for contestants, it might be a tougher battle than ever to get back in shape.

Watch a trailer for the show, which starts June 13 on Z Living:

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