10 Easy Exercises You Can Do At Home and Still Get in Good Shape

Who's got time to actually go to the gym? 

Face, Leg, Arm, Window, Floor, Room, Flooring, Joint, Red, White,

Who's got time to actually go to the gym? 

Home exercises
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Oblique Twist

This move from Natalie Uhling, a trainer in New York City and creator of the NUFit method, is extra-powerful and can be knocked out while you wait for water to boil. It targets the obliques—the muscles on your sides that help cinch your waist.

Step 1: Stand with your right hand on the edge of the counter and walk out until your body is at a 45-degree angle. Stack your feet and raise your left arm out to your side.

Home exercises
Kristin Elders
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Oblique Twist

Step 2: Twist your torso to the right, reaching through the open space between your body and the counter with your left hand. Do three sets of 15; repeat on the other side.

Home exercises
Lauren Perlstein
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Total Body Sweep

Next time you clean your floors, try this tone-it-all exercise from Caitlin Krause, director of instructor recruiting at SLT studio in New York City.

Step 1: Stand with your feet together and your weight on your right leg, knee slightly bent. Bend forward at your hips, lifting your left leg until your body is parallel to the floor.

Home exercises
Lauren Perlstein
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Total Body Sweep

Step 2: Pull your abs in and squeeze your right glute as you return upright, without letting your left foot touch the floor. Do three sets of 10; repeat on the other side.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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In-Bed Abs

You could do regular crunches all day long and they'd never be as effective as this exercise from Andrea Mitchell, a Pilates and yoga instructor in New York City. Bonus: You can take a quick snooze right after. Working out just got more relaxing.

Step 1: Lie on your back with your legs raised, knees straight; bring your belly button toward your spine. Lace your fingers behind your head and curl your shoulders up.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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In-Bed Abs

Step 2: Exhale and draw your abs in as you crunch toward your thighs, reaching for your feet. Inhale and drop one to two inches, then crunch again. Repeat 20 times.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Sexy Back Bag Lift

All you need is this clever move from Scottsdale, AZ–based trainer Jolene Goring. It'll tone those trouble spots in your upper back—and give you great shoulders.

Step 1: Stand up straight and pull your belly button toward your spine, arms at your sides. Hold a grocery bag or some other type of weight in each hand.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Sexy Back Bag Lift

Step 2: Roll your shoulders in semicircles: first up, then back (squeezing your shoulder blades together) and down. Do 10 reps, then repeat in the other direction.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Flat Abs Plank

Next time you're lounging with your phone or tablet—we bet it's next to you right now—try this plank series from Lisa Druxman, founder of Fit4Mom. It's magic for your tummy, but firms basically everything.

Step 1: Put your device on the ground in front of you and get in plank position, with your forearms on either side of the phone. Draw your butt down and belly in, so your body is straight and parallel with the ground; hold. Work your way up to 30 seconds.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Flat Abs Plank

Step 2: Roll onto your right forearm, with your shoulder directly over your elbow and your feet stacked. Keep your abs engaged and your spine aligned. (Struggling? Drop your bottom knee to the ground.) Hold for up to 30 seconds, then return to center and repeat on the other side. Don't you feel tougher already?

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Bra Bulge Blast

Start with this move from trainer Tara Romeo, assistant director of the Professional Athletic Performance Center in Garden City, NY. It works the muscles that help minimize "bra bulge," which can make you feel like you're spilling out of a suit.

Step 1: Stand with an inflatable ball (or a Pilates ring, if you have one) between your left arm and hip. Bring your shoulders back and down, and pull your belly button toward your spine.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Bra Bulge Blast

Step 2: Concentrate on the muscle under your bra band on the left side and pulse your arm toward your body, keeping your arm and wrist straight. Do three sets of 10, then repeat on the other side.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Lower Body Barre

It's never been easier than with this booty- and thigh-sculpting move from Andrea Rogers, founder and creator of Xtend Barre. All you need is a chair, railing, or countertop you can use for support. Tutu optional.

Step 1: Stand tall with your feet in first position—heels together, toes no more than six inches apart. Bend your knees softly, then extend your left leg back, with your toes pointed and the inside of your big toe touching the ground.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Lower Body Barre

Step 2: Lift your back leg slightly, pushing your hips forward in opposition. Pulse your leg upward as far as you can (you shouldn't feel pain in your lower back). Continue pulsing for eight counts, working up to 16. Then switch sides.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Couch Potato Core

Exercise while watching TV! This move from Angeles Burke, a certified group fitness instructor and bodybuilder in Tampa, FL, works your core and your quads, without you ever leaving your couch.

Step 1: Sit on the edge of the couch and lean back onto your elbows, hinging at the hips. Stretch your legs toward the floor in front of you, with your knees straight, toes pointed, and heels about six inches from the ground.

Home exercises
Cheyenne Ellis
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Couch Potato Core

Step 2: Pull your belly button toward your spine and, moving from your hips, kick your feet up and down. Focus on small, controlled, quick movements. (To make it easier, you can bend your knees so they're at a 45-degree angle.) Count to 25, rest, and repeat three times.

Home exercises
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Posture Press

If you spend time slumped over a smartphone (oh, you do?), you need this posture-enhancing move from Los Angeles–based trainer Valerie Waters. It'll ease back and neck pain and make you seem slimmer, too.

Step 1: Stand against a wall with your feet about a foot in front of you. Pull your belly button toward your spine and pin your shoulders back. Everything from your tailbone up—including your hands, elbows, and head—should be pressed against the wall.

Home exercises
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Posture Press

Step 2: Raise your arms along the wall until your hands come together at the top of your head (it's like making a snow angel). Move your arms at a pace that feels comfortable to you—just be careful not to let your upper body leave the wall. Lower your arms again, and repeat 10 times.

Home exercises
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Lower Ab Lift

Turn your next phone call with Mom into a full-blown workout. This move from Los Angeles–based Pilates instructor Kit Rich may look relaxed, but make no mistake: It's serious stuff for your lower abs.

Step 1: Lie on your back with your legs extended straight and your feet about hip-width apart, as shown. Push your back into the mattress and pull your belly button toward your spine. Doing so will help keep your ab muscles engaged throughout the move.

Home exercises
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Lower Ab Lift

Step 2: Slowly lift your left leg until it's at a 45-degree angle with the bed. You'll know you're there when you feel your core working. Hold two seconds, then lower your leg slowly. Repeat 10 to 20 times; switch sides.

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