To say 2020 has been a difficult time would be an understatement. Between a global pandemic and an increase in mainstream social awareness regarding racial injustices, Americans are facing ongoing emotional distress. In fact, according to The Washington Post, 45% of adults in the U.S. say the pandemic has affected their mental health in some way. Even those who aren't battling mental health issues may find their mood has ebbed and flowed over the last few months, and are searching for ways to be happier on a more regular basis.

Of course, a changing mood doesn't mean you aren't suffering from more serious mental health issues, like depression and anxiety. Even if you don't think your mental health is at risk, you should speak to a psychologist or general practitioner to see if your occasional bouts of sadness may be a sign of something that requires medical attention.

If it doesn't then your mood may benefit from a few simple changes to your routine. Woman's Day spoke with Dr. Joanna Petrides, a licensed clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, who specializes in anxiety and human behavior, to learn some of the little ways to lift your spirit and become happier.

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Create an actual self-care routine.

No matter how busy life gets, you should always take the time to take care of yourself. Prioritizing your own needs is never selfish because without your health, you don't have anything else.

woman smiling swimming
Spend time doing what brings you joy.
Flashpop//Getty Images

“To get the most benefit out of your self-care activity make sure to find something that enriches you and feeds your soul," Dr. Petrides tells Woman's Day. "It can range from volunteering your time to gardening to planning out your next vacation. It can even be something like taking care of yourself in ways you normally don’t have time to, which lets you reaffirm you’re a priority. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about and gives you a good feeling,” she adds.

Don’t look at your phone when you wake up.

You may think checking your phone as soon as you wake up is responsible, but it's actually harmful. At least, to your mental health. That's because, "emails and messages create this sudden surge of 'to-dos' and can really put us in a mood even before our day has begun," Dr. Petrides says. If it's hard to stop cold turkey, try incorporating some equally stimulating activities into your morning, like meditation, tidying up, or taking a shower.

When it comes to work, Petrides suggests you hold off on "checking messages until the actual start time of your work day." Instead use that time for "small, mindful moments to help you ease into your day and set a calmer tone from the get go."

Prioritize pleasure, and not the to-do list.

“Most, if not all, of us as children were told we can’t have fun until our chores/homework/work is done. While that’s a good lesson to learn, if it’s not modified in adulthood it can contribute to being unwell," Dr. Petrides tells Woman's Day. "It’s important to have a ‘must have,’ something you are not willing to miss or give up and you will schedule around to balance the other responsibilities."

family at the beach
Always prioritize your family and loved ones above work and tasks.
Natalya Zaritskaya

You either work to live, or live to work. It's all about finding a balance that works for you while still feeling productive yet not burnt out.

Go outside and get lost on a hike.

Getting outside, especially during quarantine can provide the vitamin D that you may be lacking during these uncertain times. But it's not just about getting out and moving. Dr. Petrides says you should consider straying from your normal route and get lost somewhere else.

woman hiking
Learn something new about yourself by getting lost on a hike.
Ivana Cajina

“The beauty of getting lost in something is the full immersion experience where you are mindful of just being where you are, with what you’re doing, and without judgement," Dr. Petrides says. "This act of being mindful let’s you switch off the background static that’s usually rolling through your mind. So whatever you do to get away, make sure you do it fully, and give it your 100% attention.”

Remove toxic relationships and draining activities from your life.

Your friends, family, and significant others should always be lifting you up and encouraging you, not holding you back. “It’s important to periodically evaluate the people and situations in your life," Dr. Petrides says. "Healthy relationships will energize you and you will want to have those people around you. If you’re feeling a sense of dread when you think about being around someone or feel you are forcing yourself to engage, then that’s a sign to evaluate the relationship."

Dr. Petrides notes that this rule applies to commitments made too. "If you don’t feel energized or that you’re getting something out of participating, it may be time to leave.”

Always practice creativity.

"Most of the day we are using our analytical side of the brain to complete regular tasks but incorporating creative activities in our day can actually boost our mood and give us a sense of accomplishment,"Dr. Petrides explains.

woman making pottery
Pick up a hobby that gets your creative juices flowing.
Sladic//Getty Images

Even when you have to do something stupidly boring, find a way to make it exciting. It’s the boring stuff that gives you the biggest opportunity to get creative; to take something mundane, completely flip it on its head and make something brand new.

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