9 Ways to Celebrate Your Strength (and Keep It Going) During COVID-19

It's important to stop and appreciate all you've overcome during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world and the way people work in it, navigate through it, and raise their families in it. And although coronavirus has not impacted everyone equally — Black and Latinx communities, for example, have been disproportionately affected by this public health crisis — it has undoubtably afflicted everyone, in ways both big and small.

For women — who make up the majority of essential workers — and mothers — who are shouldering even more of the parenting responsibilities and are sacrificing their careers at even higher rates to care for their children — this time has been particularly trying. Studies have shown that the COVID-19 pandemic is negatively impacting women and moms' mental health, and as the country looks towards the fall and parents are faced with impossible decisions regarding their children's safety and ongoing education, the burden women are shouldering will undoubtably remain.

There is no telling when this crisis will cease. Now that as many as 40 states are experiencing a rise in confirmed COVID-19 cases, and many states are pausing reopening efforts or shutting down again, it's safe to say the pandemic is far from over. Which is why it's important that everyone, but especially women, take the time to celebrate their strength during the chaos. Take stock of the hardships you've endured, the challenges you've overcome, and the tenacity you've exhibited that has surely inspired the people around you. It might feel odd and even difficult to celebrate anything these days, but the strength women have shown during this unparalleled moment in history is worth acknowledging and honoring. You are worth acknowledging and honoring. So take some time to focus on all you've accomplished in these last few trying months, and celebrate you in the following ways:

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Take a (free!) online workout class.
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With gyms shut down and many Americans continuing to shelter-in-place, finding ways to move your body as a reminder of your physical strength can be difficult. Thankfully, there are a number of free online workouts you can do from the comfort of your home. New York City's high intensity interval training (HIIT) studio Fhitting Room, for example, is offering a 30-day complimentary subscription service Fhitting Room On Demand. And 305 Fitness, a dance-cardio party, is offering free workouts via YouTube.

Keep a standing mental health care appointment with a professional.
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Celebrating your innate strength doesn't mean taking on more than you can reasonably handle, or white-knuckling your way through life. It means admitting that you need help, taking that help without shame or guilt, and prioritizing your continued health and wellness. The best way to do that, especially during this difficult time, is to make an appointment with a mental health care professional.

Nearly one in five adults have a mental illness, and multiple studies have shown that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted our collective mental health. If you have access to affordable mental health care, now is the time to take advantage of it. And if you don't, please know that you're not alone and that there are a number of affordable support systems in place to assist you.

Join an online community that celebrates women.
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Necessary lockdown and social distancing mandates have made it difficult to feel like you're part of a community, local or otherwise. But there are a number of online communities that will help you feel more connected to like-minded people. HeyMama, for example, is a community of working moms that offers support, solidarity, meaningful connection, and virtual meetups to help every mom feel less alone during this time.

HeyMama's fifth annual Strong Like A Mama event, a 3-day virtual experience where participants can "celebrate our inner strength with wellness sessions designed to recalibrate and honor your mind and body, and discussions with real mothers at the top of their game who have fought, struggled, and come out the other side stronger than before," per their website, is a great opportunity to feel connected to your strength, and the strength of other moms who, like you, are doing all they can for themselves and their families. You can buy tickets here.

Set boundaries and make sure people honor them.
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If you're sheltering-in-place with roommates, family members, and/or children, practicing mindfulness and finding even just a few moments to yourself can be incredibly challenging (if not impossible). But just because you're sharing space with other people doesn't mean those people are owed all of your time. Remind yourself of your strength by setting boundaries and holding the people you live with to them. Let your partner know that they need to take the kids for 30, 60, 90 minutes — you're not to be bothered. Let your family members know that for a certain number of minutes during the day you need to be left alone. You deserve to focus on yourself, practice mindfulness, and simply exist outside of the responsibilities that are constantly pulling you in a million directions.

Make sure you're eligible to vote.
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Megan Danielle Norton Buswell / Getty Images

Researchers believe as many as 54,000 Americans could have been spared if elected officials would have acted quicker to curb the spread of COVID-19. Educate yourself on would-be politician's platforms, then show your strength by holding those in positions of power accountable at the voting booth. Signing up for absentee ballots if necessary, and ensure you'll be able to vote in your local, state, and federal elections.

Do something to help others in your community.
celebrate strength during covid

Nothing celebrates your strength like helping the people around you. Whether it's picking up groceries for an elderly or high-risk neighbor, donating to Black Lives Matter, or making homemade masks to distribute at the nearby hospital, giving back to your community will not only make you feel strong but will fill you with additional strength that you're sure to need in the future.

Keep a journal.
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Keep a journal and document this moment in time and all that you're enduring. Not only will journaling help you keep things into perspective, it will serve as a reminder of what you're capable of. You'll be able to look back a month, two months, two years from now, re-read what you went through, and feel empowered by the strength and perseverance you showed in times of duress. Moments of reflections are a wonderful way to celebrate your tenacity, and journaling will help facilitate those moments now and in the future.

Create your own at-home spa.
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Aliaksandra Ivanova / EyeEmGetty Images

There's strength in self-care and shameless pampering, dear reader. And while most spas and other self-grooming services are closed (and for good reason) there's no reason you can't create your own spa-like sanctuary at home. Woman's Day offers a great guide to making your own at-home spa space, where you can celebrate your strength by kicking up your feet, putting on a DIY mask, and enjoying a hot bath.

Keep setting goals and moving forward.
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It can be easy, in the midst of so much uncertainty, to feel like you're living in limbo. But look at all you've accomplished despite living in a global pandemic! So don't stop looking towards the future and setting goals for yourself. There's no way of knowing what tomorrow will look like, but one thing is for certain: you're strong. And with help, support, and moments of self-care, you'll be able to overcome any additional adversity and achieve your future goals, too.

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