Heading to Florida to experience the magic of Disney World is a vacation every family aims to take at least once — but the happiest place in the world isn't too kind for those on a budget. A week's stay for a family of four could add up to thousands of dollars, preventing many people from actually going. But what if there was a way you could book a cheaper vacation and still get to see Cinderella's famous castle and meet the most well-known mouse of all time?

An insider website called MouseSavers.com is here to make your wildest Disney dreams come true with their incredible promotions — apparently, it's been saving people big bucks since 2001. Started by Mary Waring almost 19 years ago, the site first originated as an exclusive collection of Disney deals just for her friends and family before it rapidly began expanding.

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Now, the website boasts that they have hundreds of pages filled with free info about Disney park discounts and other theme park discounts, including money off of things like Disney hotels, cruises, Disney broadway shows, and basically anything you can possibly think of.

MouseSavers clocks in at around 1 million unique visitors each month and has a newsletter that 52o,000 people subscribe to — so you might want to hop on those deals sooner rather than later. A family of four might spend over $8,000 on a seven-day trip to Disney, so any money saved goes a long way.

Some of their current discounts include 25% Disney Resorts if you book your stay between May 28th and June 30th and even 30% off rooms if you book your vacation between now and May 27th.

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From: House Beautiful US