IKEA LIERSKOGEN Valet stand with mirror
LIERSKOGEN Valet stand with mirror
IKEA LIERSKOGEN Valet stand with mirror
$79 at IKEA
Credit: Ikea

It's that time of year again, when college students everywhere are starting to think about moving into their dorms or apartments. No matter where your college-aged kid lives, as a cash-strapped young adult, there's a good chance it's a space the size of a walk-in closet. That means they need to make use of every square inch of space they have, and that's where Ikea comes in.

The brand designed a space-saving mirror that will seriously change their life (for the better). The mirror is a hanger, jewelry holder, and phone stand all in one. It's like a three-in-one mirror — which is exactly what a college student needs. The bed will probably take up a quarter of the room, along with their desk — not to mention they'll probably have a roommate. The last thing they'll want is a big bulky mirror taking up the little space they have left.

Here's how it works: The mirror has a small circular base with two poles. One pole has the mirror, while the other has two trays to stow their phone, keys, air pods, or any other last-minute items they'd need before rushing to class.

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Behind the mirror there is a pole where they can hang their jackets, clothes, and anything else they don't feel like folding up (because who actually folds all their clothes when they're in college?) But wait, there's more: On the side of the mirror, there are two smaller poles where they can hang jewelry, scarves, and bags.

One satisfied customer wrote a review: "I received the Valet Stand two weeks ago. The features make it so convenient. I place the hanging clothes on the back pole...pocketbook on the left pole. Then I place the cell phone, Pod’s and Apple Watch to charge."

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At $69, it's a lot cheaper than buying a nightstand, full-length mirror, and clothes rack individually, too. Talk about a smart buy.

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From: House Beautiful US