Storage Theory Power Perch
Power Perch
Storage Theory Power Perch
$13 at Amazon

Your outlets deserve an upgrade — not just to something sleeker or more stylish, but to something a little more practical, too. Sure, you could leave your outlets as they are, but that feels like a waste when you can easily turn them into a space-saver for your (let's face it) already cluttered counter. These outlet shelves from Storage Theory, available on Amazon, give you the opportunity to add handy little shelves to your outlet covers, and all you need to make it happen is $10 and a screwdriver.

With a cutout to keep your cord tidy, these outlet shelves allow you to easily store and plug in things like electric toothbrushes, smart home assistants (they're basically the perfect size for an Echo Dot), and even tools like power drills that come with a charging base — without having to use up counter or table space for them. Plus, you can attach them in two ways: With the shelf underneath the outlets, or placed upside down on the top of the outlet cover, so you can store items above the outlet.

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House Beautiful

Storage Theory also offers options fordouble outletshorizontal outlets

and , but no matter how your outlets are placed, these little shelves add so much versatility to your home without standing out too much and detracting from your decor. Simply unscrew your current outlet covers and replace them with these shelves, and you'll be good to go in just a few minutes.

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