Raise your hand if you hate getting your hands wet while washing dishes. (Cue everyone and literally, their mother, raising their hand.) We'd argue the worst part about washing dishes is 1) getting all of the food you just ate on your hands and 2) your hands drying out from washing under hot water.

Lucky for everyone, Amazon is now selling silicone dishwashing gloves that come with a scrubber attached to the gloves. Yes, that means you don't have to buy sponges anymore. Yes, that also means you can clean your dishes twice as fast.

Letlar Magic Silicone Dishwashing Cleaning Gloves Brush Scrubber, Reusable Silicone Dish Wash Scrubbing Sponge Gloves with Bristles for Household,Washing Dish,Kitchen,Car,Bathroom,Pet,dog and More
Letlar Magic Silicone Dishwashing Cleaning Gloves Brush Scrubber, Reusable Silicone Dish Wash Scrubbing Sponge Gloves with Bristles for Household,Washing Dish,Kitchen,Car,Bathroom,Pet,dog and More
Letlar Magic Silicone Dishwashing Cleaning Gloves Brush Scrubber, Reusable Silicone Dish Wash Scrubbing Sponge Gloves with Bristles for Household,Washing Dish,Kitchen,Car,Bathroom,Pet,dog and More
Now 41% Off
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The "magic" silicone gloves come in five colors (yellow, green, grey, blue, and pink) and are under $11 for a pair. That's way cheaper than the cost of sponges for an entire year. Oh, and we left out the best part: They're dishwasher safe, so you can throw them in the load you just cleaned.

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The silicone is BPA free and food grade safe, and can handle up to 320 degrees. AKA, these bad boys are tough as hell.

If you're still not sure, these gloves have a 4.4 star rating on Amazon with over 50 reviews. Here's one of our favorite reviews:

Ok, So Ive been seeing these gloves on all social media platform and thought this is too good to be true and didn't want to give in to it..but finally after browsing one day..i couldnt help it and just had to get it! and I am so happy i did, because now I love washing dishes! My mother actually asked me- are you washing dishes more now because of the gloves..I said yes!

Looking for more cool kitchenware? We've got you covered.

From: Delish US